As 6 horas de voo pra Abu Dhabi, seguidas de 14 horas de
espera no aeroporto mais 4 horas de voo pra Colombo me deixaram destruida. A
readaptacao ao calor nao foi instantanea, o que resultou numa noite mal dormida
e a permanencia na cama ate 12:00. A esta altura Udhayan ja tinha se encontrado
com a tia para o café da manha, levado a moto pra consertar, feito o cambio.
Alias, preciso aprender a pensar com tantos zeros, esse cambio me deu a falsa
sensacao de estar rica, muitas mil rupias na mao (1 libra aproximadamente 200
rupias). O almoco foi na casa da tia Sumytra, um casarao antigo estilo portugues e um
clima muito bucolico que me fez lembrar Paulo Afonso. Fotos antigas espalhadas
na parede e uma anfitria acolhedora. A comida foi servida. 5 pratos na mesa e
apenas 2 deles acompanhados de garfo e faca. A amiga que chegara para o almoco
estranhou a presenca dos dois talheres na mesa. Eram para mim e Udhayan. Alimentar-se
significa usar a visao, o paladar o olfato e o TATO! Aqui come-se com as maos.
Engracado que esta deveria ser a forma natural de comermos, mas a gente
desaprende a faze-lo, pois somos treinados desde criancas a usar os talheres. A
regra eh usar todos os dedos, sem lambe-los e nao deixar suja-los acima da
primeira falange. Um potinho com agua eh disponibilizado ao lado do prato para
casos de acidente ou para lavar as maos apos a refeicao. Comer assim me fez
lembrar Dona Tereza, antiga lavadeira la
de casa. Nascida e criada na roca, ela so sabia comer com as maos. Eu so
dispensava os talheres quando o cardapio era feijao tropeiro, eu fazia aquele
bolinho com os dedos e lambia-os ate ficarem impecavelmente limpos, erro grave
de etiqueta neste pais. O cardapio: Arroz, uma especie de moqueca de camarao,
com bastante caldo, uma folha seca picada e refogada, um vegetal cozido com
aspecto de batata e um sabor familiar, o qual nao reconheci de imediato. Depois
do almoco, andando pela rua, ao parar para uma agua de coco me deparei com
cajarana. Uma fruta que so encontrara no nordeste, muitos dizem que nao tem
sabor, mas eu adoro! Foi entao que fiz o link: O tal vegetal cozido, de gosto
familiar era cajarana! Amborela, como eles chamam aqui. Na fila de espera para
comprar um chip local, me distraia com uma bala, e eis que me deparo com outro
sabor familiar: Tamarindo!!! Definitivamente, isso aqui
eh um pouquinho de
Brasil. No dia de hoje coube sorvete, suco de manga, corte de cabelo,
aimpim frito e vista pro mar, interrompida pelos trens que iam e vinham.
This here oo-o, is a bit of Brazil ia-ia....
The 6 hour flight to Abu Dhabi, followed by 14 hours of waiting at the airport, 4 more hours of flight to Colombo left me destroyed. The heat rehabilitation was not instantaneous, which resulted in a sleepless night and the permanence in bed until 12:00. Udhayan at this time had already met with her aunt for breakfast, taken the bike to fix, made the exchange. By the way, I must learn to think with so many zeros, this exchange gave me the false feeling of being rich, many thousand rupees in hand (1 pound about 200 rupees). Lunch was in the house Sumytra aunt, an old Portuguese townhouse style and a very bucolic atmosphere that reminded me Paulo Afonso (My mammy birth town). Old photos scattered on the wall and a welcoming hostess. The food was served. 5 plates on the table and only 2 of them accompanied by a knife and fork. The friend who had come for lunch surprised the presence of the two cutlery on the table. Were for me and Udhayan. Food is means using vision, taste, smell and the TOUCH! Here eaten with the hands. Funny that this should be the natural way to eat, but we unlearn to do so, because we are trained from children to use cutlery. The rule is use all fingers without licking them and not leave dirty them up the first phalanx. A little pot with water is available next to the plate in case of accident or to wash their hands after the meal. So eat reminded me Dona Teresa, old family washerwoman. Born and raised in a farm, so she knew eat with your hands. I just dispensed cutlery when the menu was beans drover, I made that cookie with my fingers and licked them up to become spotlessly clean, serious error label in this country. The menu: rice, a kind of stew of shrimp, with plenty of juice, a chopped and sautéed dry leaf, a boiled vegetable with potato look and familiar taste, which is not recognized immediately. After lunch, walking down the street, to stop for a coconut water came across Cajarana. A fruit that are found in the northeast of Brazil, many say it has no taste, but I love it! It was then that I made the link: The cooked vegetable such family-like was Cajarana! Amborela, as they call it here. On the waiting list to buy a local SIM card, distracted me with a bullet, and, behold, I come across another familiar taste: Tamarindo !!! Definitely it here
is a bit of Brazil. This day fit ice cream, mango juice, haircut, fried manioc and sea view, interrupted by trains coming and going.
This here oo-o, is a bit of Brazil ia-ia....
The 6 hour flight to Abu Dhabi, followed by 14 hours of waiting at the airport, 4 more hours of flight to Colombo left me destroyed. The heat rehabilitation was not instantaneous, which resulted in a sleepless night and the permanence in bed until 12:00. Udhayan at this time had already met with her aunt for breakfast, taken the bike to fix, made the exchange. By the way, I must learn to think with so many zeros, this exchange gave me the false feeling of being rich, many thousand rupees in hand (1 pound about 200 rupees). Lunch was in the house Sumytra aunt, an old Portuguese townhouse style and a very bucolic atmosphere that reminded me Paulo Afonso (My mammy birth town). Old photos scattered on the wall and a welcoming hostess. The food was served. 5 plates on the table and only 2 of them accompanied by a knife and fork. The friend who had come for lunch surprised the presence of the two cutlery on the table. Were for me and Udhayan. Food is means using vision, taste, smell and the TOUCH! Here eaten with the hands. Funny that this should be the natural way to eat, but we unlearn to do so, because we are trained from children to use cutlery. The rule is use all fingers without licking them and not leave dirty them up the first phalanx. A little pot with water is available next to the plate in case of accident or to wash their hands after the meal. So eat reminded me Dona Teresa, old family washerwoman. Born and raised in a farm, so she knew eat with your hands. I just dispensed cutlery when the menu was beans drover, I made that cookie with my fingers and licked them up to become spotlessly clean, serious error label in this country. The menu: rice, a kind of stew of shrimp, with plenty of juice, a chopped and sautéed dry leaf, a boiled vegetable with potato look and familiar taste, which is not recognized immediately. After lunch, walking down the street, to stop for a coconut water came across Cajarana. A fruit that are found in the northeast of Brazil, many say it has no taste, but I love it! It was then that I made the link: The cooked vegetable such family-like was Cajarana! Amborela, as they call it here. On the waiting list to buy a local SIM card, distracted me with a bullet, and, behold, I come across another familiar taste: Tamarindo !!! Definitely it here
is a bit of Brazil. This day fit ice cream, mango juice, haircut, fried manioc and sea view, interrupted by trains coming and going.
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